White Dolphin (Literary Devices From Chapters 1-10)

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White Dolphin, composed by Gill Lewis, is a literary masterpiece that is hard to put down. White Dolphin is enriched with various literary devices that make it all the more fascinating and profound. As part of our effort to compile a comprehensive list of literary devices, Immersive English presents the first episode. Stay tuned for more exciting updates regarding White Dolphin and more!

Page 1: It flutters in my hands like a tiny bird.”

Literary Device: Personification & Simile

In this scene Kara is holding a book, its pages fluttering like birds. It is an example of personification because fluttering is a bird’s attribute given to pages.

Page 1: The pages soar and tumble across cow-scattered fields.

Literary Device: Personification

This statement attributes the actions of soaring and tumbling to the pages, personifying them as birds.

Page 3: The sea breeze is damp and salty.

Literary Device: Imagery (Gustatory)

Gustatory imagery is one of the five types of sensory imagery used to describe the sense of taste. This sentence effectively employs Gustatory imagery using the words damp and salty.

Page 4: Jake drops like a stone.

Literary Device: Simile

The writer depicts Jake’s fall as effortless, like a stone dropping unimpeded.

Page 4: But I turn away from them all and jump, leaving Jake Evans bleeding through his fat fingers, turning the dust-dry ground blood-red.

Literary Device: Imagery (Visual Mental Imagery)

This sentence uses visual imagery to describe Jake’s blood on the ground after being hit by Kara.

Page 6: The town is busy.

Literary Device: Personification

Being busy is a human attribute being given to the town. There is probably a lot of hustle and bustle on the roads, making it a busy place.

Page 6: Beyond the orange cones and construction fences sits the Merry Mermaid.

Literary Devices: Personification

This statement beautifully exemplifies the art of personification by portraying Merry Mermaid comfortably seated, imbuing the inanimate object with human-like qualities. In this instance, the boat’s “sitting” can be interpreted as anchored, a subtle yet powerful way of evoking emotions and adding depth to the narrative.

Page 6: The Merry Mermaid (boat) scowls at them.

Literary Device: Personification

This sentence uses personification by attributing a human expression, scowling, to the boat.

Page 14: The sea is alive.

Literary Device: Personification

Personification is used in literature to attribute human characteristics to non-human entities. For instance, in this case, being alive is attributed to the sea, a typical example of personification.

Page 15: Waves slap against Moana’s hull like a heartbeat.

 Literary Device: Simile

Moana’s hull is associated with someone’s heartbeat.

Page 17: He’s got a nose for trouble like his dad.

Literary Device: Idiom

 ‘Got a nose’ is an idiom describing someone prone to indulging in trouble like his/her father. 

Page 19: The silence is thick between us.

Literary Device: The literary device used in the sentence “The silence is thick between us” is a metaphor. The word “thick” describes the silence between the two people, conveying a sense of heaviness and tension that both parties can feel. The metaphor helps create a more vivid and descriptive image of the situation, allowing the reader to understand the scene’s emotions and atmosphere better.

Page 24: I watch the last rays of sunshine flare like beacons across the sky.

Literary Device: The literary device used in the sentence is simile. The comparison between the last rays of sunshine and beacons using the word “like” is an example of a simile.

Page 25: A huge pod of dolphins

Literary Device: Pod is the most common collective noun for dolphins; a group of dolphins is also called a school or herd.

Page 39: Her smile is a thin, hard line.

Literary Device: The literary device used in the sentence “Her smile is a thin, hard line” is a metaphor. The smile is directly compared to a thin, hard line to convey that the person is not happy or content.

This is all we have for today regarding White Dolphin by Gill Lewis

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4 thoughts on “White Dolphin (Literary Devices From Chapters 1-10)”

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