White Dolphin By Gill Lewis (Summary Chapters 36-38)

White Dolphin

Summary of chapter 36:

Kara helps Ethan pull his life jacket on. Moana is taking on water fast, heeling far over in the water. Kara tries to concentrate. She has to find a solution as soon as possible. Kara cuts the spinnaker rope. She pulls on the mainsail and slides back to the tiller. Moana has a problem moving straight as it is filling with water. There is a tearing crack and they can feel it split the water. The waves thump her and push her towards the cliff. Kara grabs the flare and reads the instructions. The flare is all wet. Even then she pulls the tag and holds it skywards. Luckily a blast of light explodes from the flare. Moana’s hull crushes against the rocks and her keel is being wrenched away. They hear a helicopter hovering above them. A man drops down towards them and rescues them. The wind spins them around as they are lifted up into the sky. Kara sees Moana being crushed into pieces.

Summary of chapter 37
As soon as Kara and Ethan get into the helicopter, she inquires about Felix. The captain says that first, he will take them to the town and then go back out to look for Felix and Jake. The helicopter lands and an ambulance comes towards them. Kara’s dad runs towards her and holds her tightly. Felix’s Mum worriedly asks about Felix. Dougie Evans is also there. Kara briefs them that Felix and Jake are in the dinghy. But there is no dinghy in the harbour, no sign of Felix or Jake. Kara notices Miss. Penluna leaning over the granite wall, staring out into the waves. Dougie Evans cries and sobs in grief. Miss. Penluna whispers to Dougie that Jake is in the company of angels. Suddenly Kara sees the white hull of Felix’s dinghy. The dinghy is running with the wind. The wave is pushing them sideways along the line of breaking surf. Soon Kara sees both of them slumped inside the dinghy. Felix gives the thumbs up and smiles. People on the harbour cheer for them.

Summary of chapter 38:

Kara wakes up and realises that she is in Daisy’s room. Daisy takes Kara to meet someone. She is beaming. She has got a baby sister. Kara sits down beside the baby and stares at her. Daisy has named her Mo, short for Moana. Dougie Evans gives Uncle Tom his job back with a pay rise. He has come to greet Tom and Bev. He seems to be a changed person. He thanks Kara for saving his son’s life. Jake says that a white dolphin saved him. It lifted him up out of the water. He says that if we rip up the sea bed hauling out all the fish, nothing would be left. He has signed the petition to stop the dredging. He offers Kara’s dad a job but he says that he has got another one. He tells Kara that he has been accepted on a boat-building course at the boatyard. This course will help him with his dyslexia. They have got a caravan as a temporary home. Kara sees Angel twisting and turning in the water. Kara knows the vast blue ocean is waiting for her.

What is this blog about?

This blog is about enhancing English language skills. I will teach my stage shy viewers how to become confident speakers and presenters. I aim to coach those freelancers who cannot get their projects due to weak language skills.

Why is English important?

The ability to communicate fluently in both written and verbal forms of language is crucial for developing our career. English is the most regularly practised language in the whole world! The understanding of English is one of the most significant employability skill.

More about myself

With 20 years + teaching experience in one of the leading institutions of the World, I can help and support management in curriculum development, Designing curricula, etc. I have composed numerous journals, articles as a student. Now I am the editor of the school magazine. I train my students for debates on International forums. I edit and proofread the Blogs, articles, journals, research material of students from various educational departments. I have taught students online residing in different parts of the World. I secured the highest GPA in English across the Central Region.

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