Write a letter to your father asking him about the health of your mother.

Examination Hall

City A.B.C

December 13, 2021

Dear Father,

I am healthy and happy here and pray to Allah for the well-being of all of you. I hope that this letter finds you in the best of health and spirits. 

Saad called me in the morning and broke the heartbreaking news of Mother’s illness.  He informed me that she is suffering from high blood pressure. I am really disturbed to hear this.  Hope you have consulted a good cardiologist. She needs to take complete bed rest.  Do ask her to take her medicines regularly and take complete rest because she is under treatment now. She should take care of her diet and have a light walk daily because it is a remedy for all ailments.  Also, advise her to avoid excessive salt intake and eat fresh fruits. Check her blood pressure twice a day and keep a record to discuss with her physician. 

I want to be at home at this hour of need. But I am badly held up because of my final exams. When she was alright, she was always on her toes to do daily chores. She took care of all of us with utmost love and care. Now when she is unwell, it is our duty to help her recover from her ailment. Indeed, mothers are the best gift by Allah Almighty. Their love is unconditional, pure and never-ending. 

     “A mother is she who can take the place of all others, but whose place no one else can take.”

                            Cardinal Mermillod

May Allah Almighty bless her with health and happiness and keep her in the hollow of His hands. My friend’s father is a well-known general physician and I have discussed Mother’s condition with her. He has assured that she will be alright if the proper medication is done. He has instructed her to avoid any mental stress or physical exertion. 

Please keep me updated with her present condition. Tell her that I will soon visit her. Pay my compliments to everyone.

Anxiously waiting for your reply.

Yours Affectionately, 

X. Y. Z

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