Descriptive Essay – an evening in the space station

 Descriptive Essay – An evening in the space station

I was one of the few fortunate students who were chosen to visit the famous space station! I could not believe it when I got to know that I was also selected. I was on cloud nine when I shared this news with my friends. I was so eager that I could not sleep the day before. The students who were selected had a chance to learn from the space commanders themselves.

Later that evening my dad drove me to the space station. I can’t express my jubilation and ecstasy in words when I first saw its exquisite building. I went inside along with the other students where we were greeted by space robots. It was so majestic from the inside. We were escorted into a hall room and a man approached us. He was wearing a grey space suit. The hall we were in had all sorts of technological equipment and it was all black.  The space commander greeted us with zeal and he instructed us to go to the changing room. There we were all provided with our own spacesuits. The suits had all sorts of buttons and they looked marvellous on all of us. Now that we had our suits on it was time for our tour. The commander showed us the space stations and their history We could see robots and new inventions. 
The room was beautifully lit and we could see other scientists working on their projects. Everything seemed unreal. There were different rooms fixed for specific projects going on. One was as bright as the sun and one was as white as milk. Then we all were taken to the dining room. Our stomachs were grumbling and growling with hunger. I could eat a whole cow. 
After the excellent meal, the commander taught us how to build a robot. We had to function in pairs and follow the instructions given by our chief engineer. Eyes glued to the gadgets and ears all turned towards the man in the grey suit, we were all ready to show our mettle. We were given different gadgets and all we had to do was to fix it together. It was a piece of cake. We even went the extra mile and added a sound system inside his body. Me and my partner had built a robot that was as light as a feather and as fast as lightning. 
The commander was impressed and so were the other students. Some students had large and some had heavy robots. It felt like there was a sea of robots. When the commander had looked at all the robots he had announced the winner. Me and my partner had won and were going to win a fortune. We were regaled as heroes. Along with us, two other teams were announced as winners and we were complimented by everyone. My eyes were filled with tears and my heart with gratitude when I received my shield and certificate.  
                           The day had finally ended and we had to get back home. We all hugged each other and with heavy hearts moved towards the main gates. The space commander made a farewell speech in which he promised that he would invite us during our summer break to further train us. When my parents came to pick me up from the space station, I got into the car and couldn’t stop chattering about my day. My parents were so proud of me when they got to know that I won the competition. I kept my medal in a safe place and hit the hay with a constant smile on my face.

What is this blog about?

This blog is about enhancing English language skills. I will teach my stage shy viewers how to become confident speakers and presenters. I aim to coach those freelancers who cannot get their projects due to weak language skills.

Why is English important?

The ability to communicate fluently in both written and verbal forms of language is crucial for developing our career. English is the most regularly practised language in the whole world! The understanding of English is one of the most significant employability skills.

More about myself

With 20 years + teaching experience in one of the world’s leading institutions, I can help and support management in curriculum development, Design curricula, etc. I have composed numerous journals, articles as a student. Now I am the editor of the school magazine. I train my students for debates on International forums. I edit and proofread the Blogs, articles, journals, research material of students from various educational departments. I have taught students online residing in different parts of the World. I secured the highest GPA in English across the Central Region.

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