White Dolphin By Gill Lewis (Questions/Answers) Chapter 11


Chapter 11

Q. Why do you think Kara is trying to ruin the picnic basket? Why is she so disturbed?

Ans. Kara is not willing to sell Moana to Mr Andersen. She wants him to withdraw from the deal. On the other hand, Jim and Bev try hard to impress Mr Andersen by preparing a delectable meal. Jim is optimistic that Mr Andersen would like it after the test ride. Kara is troubled as the thought of leaving Moana is heart-wrenching.

Q. Felix earlier refused to accompany his father on the test ride but later agreed. What do you think changed his mind?

Ans. He refused because he thought the picnic would be boring and useless. He wanted to spend time on his computer playing his favourite games. His mother was also unwilling to send him keeping his condition in mind. When he saw Kara in the boat helping her father, he suddenly changed his mind. He didn’t want to be called a coward and a weakling.

Q. Analyse the words spoken by Jake:

         “Soon, you and your dad will have nothing left.”

Why do these words repeat over and over in Kara’s head? Why is Kara so suspicious?

Ans. Dougie and his son Jake are bitter enemies of Jim and his family. Jake never leaves a chance to humiliate, ridicule and intimidate Kara.  His words indicate animosity towards Kara and her dad. Dougie actually wants Jim to become destitute and beg for his mercy. These words constantly hammer in Kara’s tender mind because Dougie’s grudge against them has already troubled and afflicted them. The damaged lobster pots are clear evidence that Jake’s words are not mere words. He means whatever he says.

Q. How did Jim comfort and console Felix when he felt seasick during the test ride?

Ans. He invited him to control the mainsail and operate the boat. He gradually felt better and it also diverted his attention.

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This blog is about enhancing English language skills. I will teach my stage shy viewers how to become confident writers and presenters. I aim to coach those freelancers who cannot get their projects due to weak language skills.

Why is English important?

The ability to communicate fluently in both written and verbal forms of language is crucial for developing our career. English is the most regularly practised language in the whole world! Understanding English is one of the most significant employability skills.

More about myself

With 20 years + of teaching experience in one of the world’s leading institutions, I can help and support management in curriculum development, Design curricula, etc. I have composed numerous journals, and articles as a student. Now I am the editor of the school magazine. I train my students for debates on International forums. I edit and proofread the Blogs, articles, journals, and research material of students from various educational departments. I have taught students online residing in different parts of the World. I secured the highest GPA in English across the Central Region.


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