White Dolphin by Gill Lewis Summary of Chapter 5-6 (2023)

Chapter 5

Kara heads back home after spending some time at the cove. She is serene after meeting dolphins. Aunt Bev comes to the coast road and finds Kara walking back home. She is extremely annoyed at Kara’s silly behaviour. The coastguards and the police have been frantically looking for her. Kara tells Daisy about her meeting with The White Dolphin. Aunt Bev inquires Kara about hurting Jake’s nose and leave him bleeding. She reminds her that the only person with a proper job is employed by Dougie Evan. She is worried about Uncle Tom’s job which is at risk. Kara’s dad apologises Kara for being rude to her. She excitedly tells Dad that Mum sent her a special message through that White Dolphin and she is still there to help them. Aunt Bev rejects this story by saying that she is never going to come back. There is a call from a buyer who is interested to buy Moana.

Chapter 6

Aunt Bev advises Kara to be present in school on time. The headteacher wants to see her on breaking Jake’s nose. Aunt Bev has already sent a box of chocolates to Jake as an apology from Kara’s side. Kara dejectedly leaves for school as she doesn’t want to confront Mrs Carter. Mrs Baker is Kara’s support teacher. She says her dyslexia is just a different way of thinking. Kara feels comfortable in her class as she tries to teacher Kara through different exciting techniques. Another benefit of being in her class is that nobody is there to bully her. Kara meets Mrs Carter in her office to justify her offensive behaviour towards Jake. She also reprimands Kara on damaging the Bible.  Kara says that she would mend the Bible. Mrs Carter wants Kara to apologise to Jake as well. She vows in her heart that she would never apologise to Jake Evan.

Thank you!

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1 thought on “White Dolphin by Gill Lewis Summary of Chapter 5-6 (2023)”

  1. It was truly a wonderful experience to read white dolphin summaries. It has helped me so much. Thank you so much for sharing this precious content with us!

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