Letter to a friend thanking him/her for his/her kind hospitality.


Letter to a friend thanking his/her for his/her kind hospitality.

Examination Hall,
City A.B.C,
May 20, 2017.

Dear Friend,

                 I hope this letter finds you in the best of health and spirits. Yesterday I reached home safe and sound. My journey back was very pleasant, comfortable and safe. However. l felt rather melancholy after leaving you. The joy of having stayed with you is still refreshed in my mind. I take this opportunity to thank you for the warmth and hospitality you showed me during my visit. What a wonderful experience it was to stay with you in Lahore. I am writing this letter to express my gratitude for your generous hospitality. Really the people living in Lahore are hospitable and considerate. I shall treasure your tenderness and compassion for a long time to come.

                           Your company, the affection of your parents and the care of your members of family and friends were really wonderful. As I have already stated, I would never forget your hospitality for a long time. Your parents treated me with utmost love and care. No doubt, it was a month full of excitement and happiness. I cannot forget the lavish and sumptuous food I savoured at your place. Your mother is genuinely an excellent cook. The taste of Biryani, Pasta, Quorma and Firni still tickles my taste-buds. How can I forget the evening when you people arranged bar-b-que for me. I can never forget the loving manners of your mother and the affectionate gestures of your father. They really made me feel at home.

I still remember the long cheerful walks in the lush green park near your house.  l must thank you for the trip to Badshahi Mosque, Shalimar Garden, Food street and Packages Mall that you specially arranged for me.

                         “Hanging out day by day, we make our memories in our own little way.” – Ashley Wagner

 The shopping that we did was stunning! The presents I bought for my parents and sister have delighted them. Thanks a bunch for the lovely gifts Auntie got for me. 

                                                   I am sending your favourite sweets and your favourite Chocolates for all of you. Please accept them as a token of my gratitude. I also invite you to visit Islamabad. Hopefully, you will pay me a visit soon. 

I thank you once again for your hospitality and affection.

                         “The greatest gift of life is friendship, and I have received it.” 

Yours Sincerely,

X. Y. Z

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