An outstanding letter to friend asking him/her to lend some books

 An outstanding letter to a friend asking him/her to lend some books

Examination Hall

City A. B. C

February 20, 2022

Dear Friend,

                       I am hale and hearty here with the grace of Allah Almighty and I hope this letter of mine will find you in the best of your health and spirits. I am glad to know that you have passed your F.Sc examination with distinction. I take this opportunity to congratulate you on your marvellous success. You have always been an outstanding student. I am also free after my BISE final examination. I am living with my grandparents in their native village. Resultantly, I am cut off from city life and libraries. I need to further enhance my English language skills but unfortunately, I have no reading material here. I have become so accustomed to reading books that I find it hard to kill time without reading books. 

       Books are good company, in sad times and happy times, for books are people – people who have managed to stay alive by hiding between the covers of a book.

E.B. White

I know you have always been a passionate reader. You have a fine collection of books in your personal library. I was so impressed with your fondness for the books that I also started to purchase books of best-sellers on fiction and non-fiction. I have read all of them and I feel prominent improvement in my vocabulary. You know I always welcome your advice and guidance on the choice of books. You have always helped me whenever I required any book to prepare for my assignments. I need the same favour again from you. Would it be possible if you send me Shakespeare’s plays including Macbeth, The Merchant of Venice and The Twelfth Night? Jane Austen and Jane Eyre are my favourite novelist so kindly send me her popular collection as well. My Urdu teacher has advised me to read Iqbal’s Bang-i-Dara and Baal-i- Jibrail. If you have these books then kindly send me. 

These books will definitely prove to be the best companion in my solitude. They will also help me to pass my MDCAT entry test with ease. I assure you that I will take good care of your books and return you after reading them. I hope you will oblige me. Convey my regards to your family members. 

   Thank you in anticipation!

Yours Sincerely,

X. Y. Z


This blog is about enhancing English language skills. I will teach my stage shy viewers how to become confident speakers and presenters. I aim to coach those freelancers who cannot get their projects due to weak language skills.


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