White Dolphin By Gill Lewis (Questions/Answers Chapters 27-28)

Chapter 27

Q. Why did Felix ask Kara to keep the audience gripped?

Ans. He wanted people to stay in the hall so that he could play the documentary made by Kay, Kara’s mum. He had unlocked the USB and was about to surprise the audience.

Chapter 28

Elaborate on the words said by Karas’s mum,

         “We are not farmers of the sea, we never sow, We only reap.”

Ans. She means that we take our natural resources for granted. We never invest anything but all we want is to earn a profit. Farmers at least make effort in ploughing the fields and then they harvest the crops. We never take any measures to improve the condition of seas and oceans, but snatch away everything that they have.

Q. How might have Kara felt when Carl said that Angel would be released into the wild.

Ans. She is very downcast and forlorn after hearing this. She feels torn apart from the inside. She has developed an emotional attachment with Angel. She knows that once she has been released, it could be the last time she sees her.

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