Brother In The Land Act II Scenes 5- 6

Scene 5

Background Information

The Civil Defense Team is making their first public official announcement in front of the inhabitants of Skipley.


The announcement is being made by Sergeant Stroud. The audience has been informed that the CDT has made their headquarters and civil hospital at Kershaw’s Farm. The crowd is delighted when he announces assistance for citizens who have been injured.

Scene 6

Background Information

The scene begins at the hospital of Kershaw’s Farm. It is called the Medical “Wing” because it is part of their headquarters now.


Renton is talking to a group of survivors. Andrew goes to him and requests him to help his father, who has turned into a  spacer. Renton refers to Mr Bukowsy’s injury as serious and Andrews’ as rectifiable. Meanwhile, Commissioner Finch and Councillor Walker had been talking in the background. In the background, Commissioner Finch and Councillor Walker had been conversing. Once they are in focus, we can see what they are saying. When Finch refers to “as strong as you or I”, the following sentences suggest they both have an evil plan in mind that is “rather drastic” (very unexpected and extreme)” that the others don’t know about. Finch also changes the topic when the other sergeants come in because he doesn’t want them to know. The sergeants share information about the resistance organisation MASADA (Movement to Arm Skipley Against Dictatorial Authority) (rebels). According to Renton, there are 35 sick and injured people. Whereas Finch argues, that the cap was set at 20. In the CDT camp, there are no medical supplies, and Renton contends that he cannot treat the patients without them. What will a normal commissioner do if a doctor cannot treat patients without supplies? Finch answers, “He will take care of the situation.” Then we learn that he kills the wounded while accompanying two soldiers. The medical sign turns red after the scene to indicate that the CDT is killing people rather than aiding them. From here, we are aware of the CDT’s evil schemes.

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