Brother In The Land (Act III Scenes 5-6)

 Brother In The Land (Act III Scenes 5)

Background Information: The scene sets on Kershaw’s Farm. Walker and Sergeant Griffiths enter. 
Danny is being interrogated. Walker wants to inquire about what he was doing with the Ambush but Danny doesn’t spill the beans. Walker hits him so he could speak the truth. Danny lies that he wanted to burn some biscuits as mice had nibbled them. Finch realizes Danny is of no use and has turned into a spacer. He scolds Griffith and Walker and orders them to release Danny. 

Brother In The Land (Act III Scenes 6)

Background Information: 
The scene sets on Kershaw’s Farm. The compound. There is a wooden post and Griffiths has tied Danny to it.
An executioner enters. Griffiths is certain that Danny is lying and deceiving them. He tells Danny that he won’t fall for his tricks. Griffiths strikes Danny in the stomach and threatens to shoot him if he doesn’t disclose the truth. Griffiths commands the assassin to execute Danny. As soon as he picks up the weapon, a slow drumbeat begins. Suddenly, the sound “Boom!” may be heard. Danny sags back.

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